Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Pesticides in produce: 2023's list of most and least contaminated foods

Blueberries, beloved by nutritionists for their anti-inflammatory properties, have joined fiber-rich green beans in this year's Dirty Dozen of nonorganic produce with the most pesticides, according to the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit environmental health organization.

In the 2023 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, researchers analyzed testing data on 46,569 samples of 46 fruits and vegetables conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. Each year, a rotating list of produce is tested by USDA staffers who wash, peel or scrub fruits and vegetables as consumers would before the food is examined for 251 different pesticides.

As in 2022, strawberries and spinach continued to hold the top two spots on the Dirty Dozen, followed by three greens — kale, collard and mustard. Listed next were peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell and hot peppers, and cherries. Blueberries and green beans were 11th and 12th on the list.

A total of 210 pesticides were found on the 12 foods, the report said. Kale, collard and mustard greens contained the largest number of different pesticides — 103 types — followed by hot and bell peppers at 101.

"Some of the USDA's tests show traces of pesticides long since banned by the Environmental Protection Agency. Much stricter federal regulation and oversight of these chemicals is needed," the report said.

"Pesticides are toxic by design," said Jane Houlihan, former senior vice president of research for EWG. She was not involved in the report.

"They are intended to harm living organisms, and this inherent toxicity has implications for children's health, including potential risk for hormone dysfunction, cancer, and harm to the developing brain and nervous system," said Houlihan, who is now research director for Healthy Babies, Bright Futures, an organization dedicated to reducing babies' exposures to neurotoxic chemicals.

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Source: WKBT

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