Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Largest Black Bear Ever Caught in Wisconsin Was Giant


In the United States , there are about 300,000 black bears in the wild. In Wisconsin alone, experts estimate there are 24,000. North American black bear sightings though are rare. These large bears are rather shy but have been venturing into neighborhoods looking for food. Most of the black bear population in Wisconsin lives in the northern part of the state. Although not the largest bear species in the United States, black bears can reach up to 900 pounds, maybe even more! Most black bears though are only about a third of this size or less. Can you guess the size of the largest black bear ever caught in Wisconsin? Follow along to find out.

What is the Largest Black Bear Ever Caught in Wisconsin?

The largest black bear ever caught in Wisconsin scored 23 5/16. Wade W. Brockman currently owns this record. This impressive record barely beats the second-largest black bear ever caught in the state. Second place goes to Kurk A. Mackrill, whose catch scored a 23 3/16.

While these records are amazing, they pale in comparison to the largest black bear ever shot in 1963. Impressively, 16-year-old Linda Lunsman of Danbury shot and killed a 635-pound. It was 7 feet and 3/4 of an inch tall. She took down this giant while deer hunting and using a Winchester rifle. The giant was 635 pounds dressed, so alive it may have weighed about 750 pounds.

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About Black Bear

North American black bears are the most common bears in North America, but they are also the smallest. These widely distributed animals are listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. They live for about 18 years in the wild, and a lot more in captivity. While black bears are considered dangerous and aggressive, attacks on humans are rare. Usually, black bears are more scared of you, than you are of them. However, if you notice a black bear near you, walk away calmly. If they are getting close to you, make loud noises and stretch your arms high to look larger. Typically, they run away!
North American black bear attacks on humans are rare.

©Dolores M. Harvey/

Appearance and Size

Although black bears are called black bears, they aren’t entirely black. Instead, most North American black bears have cinnamon-colored coats, while others have black and red coats. The thickness of their coats varies depending on the season. The season though, also affects their weight. Still, black bears are large. An average black bear weighs about 90 to 551 pounds. Females are a lot smaller than male black bears. Their size also depends on the region. In California , male black bears on average are 190 pounds. However, black bears in north-central Minnesota on average weigh 276 pounds.

Distribution and Habitat

While North American black bears are listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, their population and range have decreased by a lot. Previously, black bears populated nearly all forested areas in North America. Now, they are only found in some dense forests. Some black bears though may venture into neighborhoods alongside forests looking for food or out of confusion from habitat destruction.

Black bears adapt well to different environments. They can live in mountainous or flat terrain. However, all black bear habitats have large quantities of edible material. The majority of black bears in the United States live in mountainous areas.


So, what do black bears eat? Although black bears are feared by many, these large mammals mainly consume vegetation, not meat. They mainly forage for vegetation, like roots and bulbs, which are found by digging. About 80% of a North American black bear’s diet consists of vegetation. However, the specific vegetation depends on the region.

Apart from vegetation, black bears eat insects, fish, and white-tailed deer (although, not as common). Did you know that the stereotype of a bear eating honey has some truth to it? Black bears love honey. Even while getting stung, black bears will continue to eat honeycombs.

Some black bears also hunt for large animals, like moose, but this is rare. Black bears typically stick to easier and smaller prey.

To continue reading about different facts about Wisconsin Black Bears please CLICK HERE

News Story Source: NewsBreak

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